The WiSe Scheme
The UK's national training scheme for minimising disturbance to marine wildlife
The waters around the UK are home to a fantastic variety of marine wildlife, whether visible from the shore or from a boat. However, these wild animals are vulnerable to disturbance if not encountered in a manner that respects their wild nature.
The WiSe Scheme is about watching marine wildlife the wildlife-safe way.
Our aim is to promote responsible wildlife-watching, through training and raising awareness. The WiSe Scheme is a simple modular training course aimed primarily at wildlife cruise operators, dive and service boats, yacht skippers and sea kayakers, plus people participating in coasteering, stand-up paddle boarding and wild swimming. These groups of people are most likely to come into contact with marine wildlife, as they are likely out on the water on a regular basis. We also seek to educate the general public who are keen to minimise their impact whilst out on or near the water.
Find out more: what is the WiSe Scheme?
Looking for a WiSe operator/guide for your next trip to the coast? Download one of our lists of trained people, sorted by Region.
Forthcoming courses will be listed below once dates/locations are confirmed for Winter 2024/Spring 2025 - see WiSe Course details.
What is The WiSe Scheme?
We enhance people's understanding on how to avoid disturbing marine and coastal wildlife.
The WiSe Scheme seeks to minimise unintentional disturbance through
delivering training to operators of registered passenger and charter vessels who wish to view marine wildlife responsibly;
delivering training to professional practitioners involved in coastal/inter-tidal adventure activities;
working with operators of service and support boats that may interact with marine wildlife; and
liaising with key conservation agencies and organisations to offer advice and guidance.
Thousands of operators/marine professionals have now attended one or more of our WiSe courses, designed to ensure a solid understanding of how best to approach and interact with marine wildlife species, and focus on ways they can help minimise any unintentional disturbance from their activities on, in or near the water.
WiSe has developed Codes of Conduct to promote safe and sustainable watching our our basking sharks, whales, dolphins, seals and seabirds. All WiSe trained individuals have agreed to abide by the appropriate Codes for the wildlife they encounter.
There are primarily three levels of WiSe Scheme training:
the two professional types of Standard WiSe course (boat operators), and Adventure WiSe course (for outdoor adventure trip practitioners operating in the coastal/inter-tidal zone),
a Master WiSe course, for those more experienced WiSe trained operators/practitioners, and
a Public course for general awareness.
See below for information on Standard, Adventure and Master level courses.
The Standard WiSe Course
(for boat operators)
This course level is the WiSe Scheme professional standard targeting boat-based operators, is typically delivered in an online format and lasts around 4 hours, usually over two evening sessions or one single daytime session.
WiSe members commit to abide by not only national and local laws on wildlife conservation and disturbance avoidance, but also the WiSe Codes of Conduct, in addition to any local wildlife-watching codes.
We recommend that after 3 years, all trained individuals at this level then undertake a Master course to upgrade their level of membership.
A WiSe Scheme boat-sticker, flag and logo are provided for promotional use, along with copies of all Codes of Conduct.
The Adventure WiSe course
The Master WiSe course
This is the WiSe Scheme professional standard 'Plus' - our gold-standard level.
Generally, an individual is eligible to attend a WiSe Master if they have been a standard WiSe member for 3yrs. They can then attend a Master Class course - this is usually a one day workshop to refresh skills and gain new knowledge, although we are developing a new webinar format as part of our move to online courses.
WiSe Masters commit not only to the WiSe Codes of Conduct and local codes, but also to provide sightings data to the relevant sightings collection organisation, plus provide photo-identification images to research groups where appropriate. WiSe Masters should refresh their skills by attending follow-up Master classes when held in their area.
The WiSe Master boat-sticker, flag and logo are provided for promotional uses, and any updates to Codes of Conduct.
This course has been developed to meet the needs of professional 'adventure' practitioners whose activities take place in the coastal/inter-tidal zone, such as sea kayaking, coasteering, stand up paddle boarding, wild swimming, etc.
Developed originally as a classroom and activity-based course, we have created an online version of the course to circumvent restrictions imposed by the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Adventure WiSe course attendees commit to abide by not only national and local laws on wildlife conservation and disturbance avoidance, but also the WiSe Codes of Conduct, in addition to any local wildlife-watching codes.
We recommend that after 3 years, all trained individuals at this level then undertake a Master course to upgrade their level of membership. A WiSe Scheme Adventure course sticker and logo will be supplied for promotional use to all participants, along with copies of all Codes of Conduct.
Looking for WiSe trained Operators/Practitioners?
Find a responsible Boat Operator, Adventure or Wildlife Guide when choosing your wildlife-aware boat trip or coastal activity.
To find your nearest WiSe trained organisation, download the relevant pdf from the list below for the region you're interested in.
If your local Operator/Practitioner isn't on the list, please tell them about the WiSe Scheme so they can get trained and listed.
Want to attend a WiSe Course to become WiSe trained or learn more?
New course dates are noted below, and Eventbrite links will be inserted once bookings are made live:
14/15th October 2024 online over 2 nights 1900-2100
4/5th November 2024 online over 2 nights 1900-2100
3/4th March 2025 online over 2 nights 1900-2100
24/25th March 2025 online over 2 nights 1900-2100
Please watch this space for details when further dates will be announced, or get in touch to register interest via the form below.
Note: WiSe offers 20% discount for all companies sending 3 or more individuals on a course.
Please contact us via the contact form below before booking to arrange a promo code to secure your discount.